Little thing # 2

I have been making an effort to continue noticing the little things which make me smile and to share them with you all.

Some of you may remember that whilst I have been unable to go out so much I have been knitting chilldren’s jumpers for the collection at Studio 3 in Cardigan. Their original goal had been to send 2020 to an organisation working with refugees who had reached Greece and were now unable to move on to other parts of Europe. Last Friday I delivered the latest one and by chance Eileen, who’s brainchild it was, was in the shop. She told me that they passed the 2020 target some time ago and sent them off. After that they decided any more would be sent to charities in Wales working with families in poverty and particularly those using the many food banks. They have now collected over a thousand for Wales and more are still being donated. The charities will add them to the parcels of gifts put together for families who otherwise would have none. I only played a small part – 5 jumpers in all – but I felt proud to have helped and proud of my community for rising to the challenge and some. A real win-win. AND I met my friend Rachel to have lunch in the cafe there – delicious food and a chance to catch up with a lovely friend. A very smiley day!

My latest gift jumper

In the garden I can see crocuses and miniature daffodils beginning to emerge in pots near the house.

On the wall of the cabin a winter flowering jasmine is in full bloom. Last year it was still fairly new and only had a few flowers but it has obviously settled in.

Piling manure onto one of the raised beds I spotted a potato. I haven’t grown any for a couple of years but the ones I missed when I harvested the last lot keep coming up. I scrabbled around and by the time I had been through all the bed I had a basket full of International Kidney spuds (Jersey Royals but they can only be called that if grown on the island of Jersey!) They are a waxy salad potato so not good for mash or roast but lovely in potato salad or stews because they keep their shape.

My cooking has had a boost recently. My last lot of books from the library included 2 by Jack Monroe, a woman who found herself living in extreme poverty and blogged about how she was managing to feed herself and her small son on very little money and the generosity of the food bank. The upshot was a book deal which lifted her our of poverty but she still campaigns tirelessly for the organisations she once relied upon. I am comfortably off and an experienced cook but her simple, cheap recipes have jolted me out of a rut.

I have been making crafty things and will blog about them later but for now they are secret in case the recipients see them here first! However I can tell you that I get a lot of help from my feline friends who never fail to make me smile – how’s this for a cuddle of cats? At least they were next to me rather than on my lap which makes sewing or knitting difficult! The bony elbow top left is Orchid who also occupies the sofa.

Lastly I read a post by Cathy which I particularly enjoyed and set me thinking about how I could include more cheery-uppy things in my life. You can read it at

11 thoughts on “Little thing # 2

  1. carolee November 29, 2020 / 12:31 pm

    What a wonderful project, and talented you to knit so beautifully! Can’t imagine just finding leftover potatoes here…they would have rotted over the winter. And to have crocus pushing up already?!?!? It will be months before that happens here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Going Batty in Wales November 29, 2020 / 12:42 pm

      All sorts of things are ahead of themselves this year!


  2. Trev Jones November 29, 2020 / 1:54 pm

    Well done, you. It’s good to see you’re busy during this period and that some needy people will benefit. I love that you found some potatoes too. Nice post, thank you. 😊


  3. nanacathy2 November 29, 2020 / 2:08 pm

    Lovely post, and how wonderful that so many jumpers were donated there were lots for children in Wales. I m super enviuos that you could have lunch with a friend- we are awaiting that pleasure in England. Thank you for the mention btw- that was so nice that you enjoyed my post. I can also now add that I did have a bacon sandwich and made an apple crumble. I have since made flapjacks! That potato haul was a real bonus.


  4. Laurie Graves November 29, 2020 / 2:31 pm

    Oh, this post made me smile. Beautiful jumper—or sweater as we would call them here—in my favorite color. What a bonus to find those potatoes. The books sound very interesting to me as I have lived on shoestring budget for much of my adult life. I bet I could get some good tips from Jack.


  5. Jasmine Dale November 29, 2020 / 3:57 pm

    Thank you for another wholehearted post!


  6. anne54 November 30, 2020 / 6:16 am

    How lovely to celebrate such simple things. Life can be overwhelming at present, so unexpected potatoes and a cuddle of cats can bring such pleasure. BTW on the strength of your recommendation I have requested one of Jack’s cookbooks from my library.


    • Going Batty in Wales November 30, 2020 / 10:50 am

      Thank you Anne. I hope you find the book useful. Her recipes aren’t gourmet but neither do they need 20 ingredients, 3 of which ‘can be obtained from any good Asian deli’ (my nearest is in Swansea 50 miles away) and result in a mountain of washing up.


    • Going Batty in Wales December 4, 2020 / 10:46 am

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. quietwatercraft December 4, 2020 / 12:16 pm

    What a lovely project to donate to. I love it when people set targets for helping others, and everyone is so kind that they sail past the goal and keep on going.


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