On and on and on

Today, at 6pm, Wales goes into another lockdown until November 9th. It will be slightly different from the first one in March / April because apart from the half-term holiday week schools will stay open at least for some year groups and there is no limit on the amount of time we can spend in public spaces exercising. However meeting friends inside or out is forbidden and only essential shops will stay open. The idea is to slow the virus transmission before it gets out of hand and to have the same rules across the whole country for clarity. It makes sense even though where I live is one of the safest parts of the UK. Although I live in Carmarthenshire which locked down one of its bigger urban areas, Llanelli, a while back I am right on the edge of the county and within easy walking distance or both Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire which have amongst the lowest levels of infection anywhere.

Today is also the day when I can be virtually certain I did not bring Covid-19 back from my daughter’s. She lives in a medium risk area, works in a school, my granddaughter goes to a different school and my grandson works in a restaurant. I decided that when I got home the sensible thing would be to keep myself to myself for a while. I have done essential shopping and banking but only dropped cakes off at the workday I should have been to.

I should have been helping build walls for the roundhouse

Before I went to my daughter’s you may remember that I had visited my lovely neighbour for a cup of tea (which turned into a glass of wine!) only to discover later that her Dad, who had visited a day or two before me, had tested positive for Covid. I therefore isolated myself to ensure that if I had picked it up from her I didn’t pass it on. So apart from the 5 days of my trip to England I have already been in self imposed lockdown for 4 weeks! The novelty is definitely wearing off!

I had several treats lined up for the next two weeks – a Permaculture group meeting at a smallholding I have wanted to visit for ages, a lunch out and walk on the beach with friends and a haircut. All postponed.

Poppit sands where we were planning a walk

It isn’t that I have nothing to do. There is always work to be done inside or out. On Monday I collected the library books I had requested as they had been waiting for pick up for ages and I knew another lockdown was coming. Handing in one bag through the door and being given another whilst wearing a mask hardly seemed like a big danger to either me or the librarian! So I have books to read and there are plenty of crafting materials on hand.

But I have to admit that none of it makes me eager to get up in the mornings and the grey damp weather isn’t helping. Tomorrow night we revert to GMT from British Summer Time, putting the clocks back an hour which always confuses my body and upsets the dogs. It also signals that winter is just around the corner with its short dark days. I want to hibernate!

If any of you spot some energy, enthusiasm, mojo – call it what you will – going spare please pick it up and send it to me. I could do with some!

17 thoughts on “On and on and on

  1. tialys October 23, 2020 / 11:40 am

    It’s depressing isn’t it? At least there is an end date this time. My sister lives in Wales but managed to get over to Portugal where she’ll spend the Winter as she has done in previous years. I doubt she regrets it. On a purely selfish note, I’m dreading England following suit in case it messes up my house move. Once I’m over there, I will have plenty to keep me occupied inside the new house and in the garden as, even if no lockdown, I’ll have to quarantine for 14 days anyway under current rules. At least I will be with my husband and in the same country – even county! – as my daughters. The uncertainty, however, is what’s really getting to me.

    Here they have imposed a curfew on our region in S.W. France. No going out between 9 at night and 6 in the morning. So, that’s my clubbing activities reined in then 🤣

    As for sending enthusiasm and mojo over – I have very little to spare I’m afraid. Stay strong!


    • Going Batty in Wales October 24, 2020 / 9:50 am

      Thank you for that Lynn. So far England is using this tier system which I haven’t got my head round! I do hope your move goes OK – it is a fraught experience at the best of times!


  2. Trev Jones October 23, 2020 / 12:11 pm

    I’m in Powys which is also low risk. Not looking forward to the hour going back either. I try to avoid as much news on tv and radio as it’s always painting a bleak picture. Let’s hope we are turning a corner for better times ahead after this next lockdown.


    • Going Batty in Wales October 24, 2020 / 9:53 am

      I hope so too. I don’y have a TV any more – I watched it so little I got rid of it. I get my news online and just check once or twice a day in case there is something I really need to know – like the lockdown. I click on anything important or interesting and ignore the rest.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. tidalscribe October 23, 2020 / 12:53 pm

    And it’s the last Gardeners’ World tonight, one of my Covid Comfort viewings!


    • Going Batty in Wales October 24, 2020 / 9:54 am

      Oh No! I no longer watch TV – I used it so little I got rid of it but we all need comfort habits just now.


  4. Laurie Graves October 23, 2020 / 2:13 pm

    It’s discouraging. I try to find comfort in the routine of my days, in oury shabby but cozy home, in writing and reading. Mostly it works. But boy oh boy, do I miss seeing “the kids.” They live so far away, and it will be well over a year until I see them. Probably closer to to two years by the time this is over. Thank God for technology, for Zoom. Anyway, virtual hugs from the hinterlands of Maine.


    • Going Batty in Wales October 24, 2020 / 9:56 am

      Thank you for the hugs Laurie. I went for a walk in the woods and had a long talk to a very old Oak tree and chatted to the stream – they are both very good at putting things in perspective. They have seen it all before and remind me how transient my worries are. I am so glad I saw my daughter and didn’t leave it until this week when she is on half term.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Going Batty in Wales October 24, 2020 / 9:57 am

      Thank you June. They are lifting and yes, books were essential!


  5. anne54 October 23, 2020 / 9:48 pm

    Sue, i hear you loud and clear. As you know Melbourne has had similar restrictions for what seems like forever, and like you, through Winter. We are gradually emerging now, and hope that on Sunday we will hear good news about shops and cafes reopening. It has been very hard for many people, especially those who have lost jobs. However it has worked at getting the case numbers down. So maybe that is something to hold on to, that this can work.
    I think I got through it by allowing myself to withdraw and have no expectations on myself. Hibernation is a great concept. I gave up trying to wrestle the strange time to suit me and just let the days tell me what I was going to do. So I set myself very small things to try to do each day ~ to laugh each day; to walk; to create things that brought me comfort. And if I didn’t get to do that every day, to not be harsh on myself.
    I don’t mean to lecture you, but maybe there is something there that can help you in your hibernation.
    It is great to hear that you got to see your daughter. That must have been a very special moment despite the other concerns.


    • Going Batty in Wales October 24, 2020 / 10:02 am

      Thank you Anne for your understanding and your suggestions. A friend said something similar last night and I realise that I have been driving myself quite hard to ‘get things done’. I think I need to learn to just pootle around doing nothing or at least nothing to any great purpose. Not an easy lesson for me to learn!


  6. Geri Lawhon November 11, 2020 / 6:16 pm

    Hang in there, the virus will be over someday.


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