Photo Challenge June 2024

Cathy’s challenge to us this month was bridge and river. Well That was bound to be an easy one for me! There are lots of rivers and streams here so lots of bridges. In fact I was spoilt for choice. But I took photos in 3 locations of very different bridges.

First right here in my garden – a bridge my family helped me build over the stream which is my boundary so that I can access the abandoned field on the opposite bank where I am renovating the old hedges (and getting firewood for my pains) and planting new trees to create a wood.

and the Nant Elwyn which flows under it. Nant is stream in Welsh but my old neighbours who had lived here all their lives called it a river.

There is, of course, a bigger road bridge over the same Nant just near the entrance to my plot.

Next is a footbridge in Carmarthen. I am standing near the bus station in the town on one side of the river and the railway station is on the other bank. There are 2 road bridges, an old one at the East end of town and a newer one at the West end which carries the dual carriageway connecting the M4 with Carmarthen and then on to Haverford West and Fishguard where ferries to Ireland start. Neither is ideal for pedestrians and both involve a fair walk. So this footbridge is a safer and shorter option.

Finally another footbridge. This time on the Pembrokeshire Coastal Path (part of the Wales Coast Path) at Ceibwr Bay just West of Cardigan.

Cathy hasn’t posted her photos yet but you can find her at nanacathydotcom here on WordPress and see Jean’s pictures here

9 thoughts on “Photo Challenge June 2024

  1. Lorna June 28, 2024 / 4:32 pm

    Oh, I love the “homemade” bridges! So beautiful!


  2. onesmallstitch June 28, 2024 / 7:56 pm

    love seeing the country pictures of your part of the world and the stories that go with them. The stone bridge in the last picture looks very Japanese-ish. Thanks for the link.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Going Batty in Wales June 29, 2024 / 10:46 am

      I have no idea whether that last bridge is old or new but it is so lovely and I can see how it feels Japanese-ish. The bay is tiny with a mostly pebble beach and because there is only parking for 3 or 4 cars it is usually quiet.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. nanacathy2 June 29, 2024 / 6:46 am

    Very impressed with the bridge your family made.I love the variety of bridges you captured this time and that the M4 links our posts. I spent Friday thinking it was Thursday, hence the lateness of my post!! next time it’s People and Toys.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Going Batty in Wales June 29, 2024 / 10:41 am

      Yes, ‘my’ bridge has a special place in my heart. When I first started trying to tame the eyesore that was happening on the opposite bank I waded across – as you can see the water isn’t deep in summer – but the stones can be slippery and on one occasion I lost my footing and sat down in one of the deeper bits. No harm done but I was soaked from the waist down and damp from splashes above so by the time I had got to the house I was shivering. I told my children what had happened and although they were amused by the tale they decided a bridge was needed wide enough for me to take my tools across in a wheelbarrow.

      And yes the M4 links us – motorway or dual carriageway almost all the way. One day we must meet up.


  4. Anne June 29, 2024 / 7:26 am

    I particularly enjoy your wooden bridge and the final foot bridge.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Going Batty in Wales June 29, 2024 / 10:35 am

      I like both of those too. I included the one in carmarthen just as variety because it is both modern and urban. But as you know I am a country bumpkin at heart!


      • Anne June 29, 2024 / 2:51 pm

        So am I !!!!!!


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